Robertsbridge Circular
1 June. I am writing this post in penance for not being on the walk – which I was supposed to lead. Very many thanks to Daphne, who stepped in to lead, with support from Christine M and Tony.
This is a walk through farmland, orchards and woods on the East Sussex border, with views across the Rother valley and a lunch stop at Bodiam. It’s a Saturday Walkers’ Club route – their short version (supposedly 8.7 miles, but probably closer to 9.5), but complicated at one point by a local landowner diverting the path – with only minimal signage.

Over the stile …

… or through the gate

Oast houses

Bodiam Castle

Steam train from Bodiam
On the day, the group had a couple of adventures they could have done without. One involved a field of over-friendly bullocks.

Goodbye to the bullocks …
But to compensate, Salehurst church was open so the group got the chance to see the stained glass window by the pre-raphaelite artist C E Kempe.

Finally, they just missed the (hourly) train. This is usually no problem thanks to the Ostrich Pub next door to the station. But by the time of the next train, all trains had halted – thanks to a tree falling on the line. I’m afraid some people didn’t get home till after midnight.

Relaxing at the Ostrich
Janet, with thanks to Daphne, Barbara S and Christine M for photos.